Travel Smarter: How to Protect Your Privacy with VPN Unlimited

The use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) has long been synonymous with business travel and accessing data from a remote location (read: outside the office). However, with the expansion of leisure travel over the years, VPNs are used increasingly to access blocked (geo-restricted) content (read: Facebook and Instagram in China). What most people do not realise however is that VPNs are also extremely important (even in Singapore!) if you are logged a public WiFi as personal details can be stolen from you fairly easily.

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One of the questions I get a lot whenever I talk about VPNs is what exactly is a VPN? As mentioned earlier, it stands for a Virtual Private Network and here's a real-world example that will help you understand it better: Everyone knows about the infamous Great (Fire)Wall of China and more importantly, how websites like YouTube and Facebook (amongst many others) are blocked when you are in the country. It is easy to find out where you are accessing the internet from (be it via WiFi or a mobile network) - click HERE to find out if you are not convinced - in this example, it is also how you are identified as being in China. Therefore, the easiest way around this is to 'hide' your actual location by using a VPN. Think about the VPN as a third-party gateway, instead of delivering internet content directly to you, it first gets redirected to a location (as configured on your VPN) before getting delivered to you - this allows you to bypass blocked sites easily! 

Protect your Privacy | Photo Credit: VPN Unlimited 

As long as you are not connected via a secured WiFi (read: outside of home), you SHOULD be using a VPN in order to benefit from online anonymity. Since I travel quite a fair bit and spend a lot of my time in hotels, I do need a VPN to perform information-sensitive transactions (e.g. online banking) online. While some VPN-providers offer a limited bandwidth package, VPN Unlimited offers well, UNLIMITED bandwidth for a duration (or unlimited if you purchase the lifetime access!) of time. 

VPN Unlimited Pricing

You can choose from 7-days worth of unlimited VPN access to give you the privacy you require or even a lifetime worth of anonymity - you can even use the same account for up for five devices (so technically and unofficially, you can even 'share' the account!).