Mileslife App Loses Functionality in Singapore - Rumours of Shutdown from Vendors in China

[Update: Mileslife have claims that rumours are ‘without merit’ - official statement on Facebook]

If you have been using Mileslife conscientiously, you may realise that certain functionality have stopped working as of yesterday (or even earlier!). There are rumours floating around the internet that the app has been shutdown and businesses in China are owed plenty of money (this has not been verified but that is what I am hearing from the grapevine).

Photo Credit: Mileslife

My personal opinion is to stop using Mileslife for now and see where this goes - it is obviously a terrible idea to top-up your Mileslife wallet right now (so don’t do it!) until we have confirmation on the status of business. In case anyone is interested (or reads Chinese), this is the post that is floating around the internet: