GIVEAWAY: Five FREE Flight Alerts on App in the Air (10 Winners)

Going on a vacation seems like a great idea but traveling internationally is not completely fuss-free either. You will have to go through a couple of metal detectors, take your laptop and iPad out of your well-packed bag, take off your shoes (sometimes!), talk to a bunch of law-enforcing people, remember where you stuff your phone and wallet (and passport!) while still keeping the time to catch your flight. When you finally you get through it all and sashay down to the gate printed on your boarding pass minutes before boarding, your greatest nightmare may then hit you there and then - gate change. Here's a solution and I'm giving out 5 FREE Flight Alerts below so read on to find out how to win them! 

Organise Your Flights with App in the Air

Last minute gate changes are not uncommon - it happens a lot more often in some airports though - and even though they do broadcast it over various channels, it is easy to miss it. One of the apps that I love using on my phone is App in the Air (download here!) and you can think about it as your personal flight assistant. 

App in the Air

Adding flights to App in the Air is super easy! If you allow it, flight confirmations will be extracted automatically from your mailbox and it will be populated into the app itself. Otherwise, you can forward your flight confirmations to an email address and the magic happens in the back. Every flight is split into four stages: Check-in, Boarding, Take-off and Landing. Get One FREE Flight Alert when you download App in the Air for your device by clicking on this link

Sign-up to win Five FREE Flight Alerts on App in the Air!

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Try it out for yourself by downloading the app now and I will soon share my experience with the app!