Get S$120 eCapitaVoucher with S$8,000 Spend via Citi PayAll - All Customers (23-28 February 2023)
From 23-28 February, get S$120/S$60 eCapitaVoucher via Citi PayAll when you charge at least S$8,000/S$4,000 to eligible Citi Cards. Do note that the minimum qualifying spend has to be met on at least one card to qualify for the eCapitaVoucher. This means that if you are gunning for S$120 eCapitaVoucher, you will need to charge at least S$8,000 to a single card instead of splitting the total amount over a few cards (e.g. S$4,000 on the Citi Rewards Card and S$4,000 on the Citi Prestige Card).
Click HERE to check out the latest Citi Credit Card sign-up offers
Do note that in order for you receive the bonus eCapitaVoucher for this promotion, you must elect the one-time service fee (2%) option. This means that if you were to charge S$8,000 to your Citi Credit Card, you will have to pay a service fee of S$160 - by doing so, you will earn the usual number of miles on your credit card plus, the bonus S$120 eCapitaVoucher in this case. There are two promotions that you may choose to take advantage of here:
Option 1: Spend ≥S$4,000 and <S$8,000 on Citi PayAll, Get S$60 eCapitaVoucher
Option 2: Spend ≥S$8,000 on Citi PayAll, Get S$120 eCapitaVoucher
To put this into a simple example, someone setting up a one-time payment of S$8,000 via Citi PayAll on his or her Citi Prestige Card will pay S$160 in service fees, but will receive the following:
26,000 ThankYou Points (equivalent to 10,400 Miles)
S$120 eCapitaVoucher
Obviously, there is a cost component in the usage of this service but it is honestly not a bad one if you are in the market to purchase some cheap miles - the usage of the S$120 eCapitaVoucher can also earn you additional STAR$ (across participating CapitaLand Malls) which will also go towards the retention of your Raffles Prestige membership if you have one. Do remember that all Citi PayAll payments will have to be set up by 28 February 2023 and they have to be charged to your card by 6 March 2023 in order for you to receive the eCapitaVoucher.
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