Check-out Anytime You Want at Hotel Jen Orchardgateway

Hotel Jen Orchardgateway is back with a special promotion for the weekend staycation lovers! From now until 31 December 2015, you can check-in anytime you want, and then check-out 26 hours later (on weekends only!). So if you want to check-out at 10PM on a Sunday evening, all you have to do is to check-in at 8PM on Saturday - simple math really!  

Click HERE to find out about the 26 Hours in a Day?! Promotion now!

Here's how you fully exploit this offer - sign up for the Shangri-:La's Golden Circle Program first before booking a room under this special rate and you'll earn approximately 10% back in Golden Circle Points (which you can redeem at any participating Shangri-La properties around the world). Room rates start from just S$200++ a night so be sure to take advantage of this promotion! 

Click HERE to check out my review of Hotel Jen Orchardgateway's Deluxe Room!