Fewer Chope-Dollars Required for Rewards on 24 March 2021 - ChopePerks Flash Rewards (First Time Ever)

Chope is one of my personal favourite platforms to use for restaurant reservations but the massive devaulation of ChopePerks last year has seriously made the loyalty component of this platform irrelevant. While you will continue to earn Chope-Dollars with each fulfilled reservation, the actual value that you can get out of the program has diminished so significantly that I would switch platforms in a heartbeat (if something better comes up). Chope has now announced that it will be running a ChopePerks Flash Rewards deal on 24 March 2021 and members can use less Chope-Dollars to redeem for existing rewards but don't get too excited yet.

Click HERE to read more about the devaluation of Chope-Dollars and the ChopePerks program!

Photo Credit: Chope

Photo Credit: Chope

While flash deals are generally quite exciting, the upcoming ChopePerks Flash Rewards on 24 March 2021 seems a little lacking. Now we all know that 1,000 Chope-Dollars used to get you a S$30 discount on ChopeDeals but this has been devalued on 17 November 2020 - 1,000 Chope-Dollars now get you only a S$10 ChopeDeals Discount Code which is significantly lesser.

According to the EDM sent out by Chope, the S$10 ChopeDeals Discount Code will "only" require 950 Chope-Dollars instead of the usual 1,000 Chope-Dollars. While this 5% reduction in required Chope-Dollars is positive, it is not enough to save this dying loyalty program. The required number of Chope-Dollars on partner redemption options will also be slashed on 24 March 2021 but to be honest, you can get most of these "deals" for free elsewhere without needing to use your Chope-Dollars at all.

I have been a long-time advocate for Chope - the platform is great and it works well - but I have to say that the direction in which ChopePerks is heading is truly disappointing. Perhaps now is the best time for HungryGoWhere or Quandoo to step up - give us a reason to switch over and it shall be swift.